8 Materials That Must Be Learned Before Marriage.

 In 2020, the government plans to hold prenuptial certification as a mandatory requirement for couples getting married. The goal is to equip prospective brides - both women and men - with knowledge about reproductive health, childcare, family finances, with the hope that both of them can be better prepared to face married life so that they can reduce the rate of divorce, stunting (toddlers fail to thrive due to malnutrition), and poverty.

Despite reaping the pros and cons, the provision for the bride and groom turned out to get support from many parties. A number of material suggestions that need to be submitted during pre-marital debriefing include emotional management, conflict resolution, family planning, parenting, and financial planning, mental health, and how to communicate. 

1. The meaning of marriage for each partner

This material is a brainstorming material to open the discourse of thinking of the two prospective couples about the meaning of marriage, what they want to achieve in marriage, as well as the picture of marriage that each partner has. This will give each party opportunity to get to know the partner better, as well as to discuss together to equalize perceptions about marriage.

2. Marriage commitment

Couples candidates need to realize that marriage is a commitment that will be lived for a lifetime. The goal is that each of them can build readiness for marriage, and to prepare themselves to always refresh the marriage relationship so that there is no burnout.

3. Effective communication between partners

Many disputes that occur in marriages are caused by errors in communication. Not many realize that men and women have different ways of communicating which will have a big influence when married. Therefore, understanding how each other communicates something and understanding the different ways of conveying messages between individuals is important to learn. This will also help couples later in the problem-solving process because they already understand each other's ways of communication.

4. Problem-solving process

In this material, couples will learn that in marriage there will be challenges that can trigger problems. So, each individual is expected to be able to learn and prepare and find a mutually agreed solution if the problem arises. In addition, couples will also learn alternative problem solving that can be applied when dealing with problems.

5. Financial knowledge

This material invites couples to be open to each other in financial matters in the form of knowing the spouse's income, the costs to be borne by the couple before marriage, the costs to be incurred after marriage, and ways of managing finances during married life. Although good financial conditions are not the main factor in household happiness, financial problems are often a source of problems in the household. Preparing it early can reduce the potential for conflicts over financial matters.

6. Adjustment

This material will give a couple an idea that marriage is a process of adjustment throughout life, both adjusting to living with a partner and their habits and their families, as well as adjusting to the challenges that will be faced during married life. In this material, couples will also be explained about the challenges of self-completion that will be faced and how to deal with them and learn from each other when they are faced with these challenges. 

7. How to maintain the momentum of love

Even though the prospective couple has the belief that it is difficult and happy to be lived together, the fact is that the spirit at the beginning of marriage can disappear over time. Therefore, one of the important things that must be learned by prospective couples are knowing what things can be done to maintain the momentum of love so that domestic harmony can be maintained.

In fact, preparation for marriage is not just "how much money" and where do you want to live? Of the seven materials above, most of them are mental preparations because it turns out that they play a key role in household harmony. If you have problems regarding wedding or wedding preparations.

8. Family planning

What also should not be overlooked is the importance of knowledge of family planning. This includes pregnancy planning, at what age you are planning to get pregnant, how many children you want to have, and how many years you have children between them. Why is family planning important? Because this will affect various aspects of the family, from fulfilling child nutrition, maternal mental health, to the financial ability of the head of the family. 

Courtesy: Best wedding planner in Lahore



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