Hindu weddings in pakistan.

 Hindu wedding ceremonies include various religious ceremonies, which are often held for several days In most cases, the wedding ceremony begins with the cabin (marriage registration and stamping) and ends with the bluebeat (usually arranged by the groom's family). Although wedding ceremonies vary in different parts of Bengal, they can be divided into two types in the Hindu community of Bengal. They are Ghazi and Hindu rituals.

Organizing events

Traditionally, marital relations are formed through a mediator or mediator, who can usually be a family friend, relative or just a mediator. The bridegroom informs the people of the bride and groom about the bride or groom If the marital relationship is right, then in most cases an honor is given to the constituent Family members usually find a family of the same caste, religion, and status for marriage


There is no direct social sanction for love in Bengali society but even then, the lovers need formal approval and consent from their own family before marriage, otherwise there are cases like a runaway marriage. Before marriage, the parents decide the groom for the girls and the bride for the boys. which is observed in the case of Bengalis, helps both parties to prepare or plan for the upcoming marriage before marriage. As a result, both the families decide the exact date of the upcoming marriage or the date of ascension If there is any demand on the part of the bride or groom, it is usually mentioned on this day

Yellow on the skin

Yellow is held on the body before the wedding ceremony There is a yellow ceremony for the groom and a yellow ceremony for the bride

Wedding ceremony

After the yellow ceremony on the body, a wedding ceremony has held The event is organized by Kamakshi The bride and groom's friends or relatives, called the bridegroom, usually arrive at the bride's house before evening. The groom usually receives blessings from his mother before the bridegroom leaves When the bride and groom arrive at the bride's house, they are greeted by the bride's relatives. At this time the people of Pakistan are also appeased The marriage is then consummated by a pundit or Qazi by performing certain rituals according to the religion of the bride or groom. Notable personalities from both the parties are usually present at the time of marriage


On the next day, i.e. on the second day of the bride's wedding, the bride-rice ceremony is usually celebrated at the groom's house On this day, the bride, that is, the bride now entertains her relatives Usually, lunch is arranged In the evenings, relatives and friends of the bridegroom are usually invited and entertained. The relatives of the bride also greet the relatives of the groom On this occasion, a large banquet called marques, was held Gifts are also exchanged between the bride and groom.

Flower bed

The flower bed is the night of the meeting of the bride and groom at 8 o'clock The bride and groom decorate themselves with flowers given on behalf of the bride and the living room is also decorated with flowers and other materials. It is a memorable night for a married couple

Eight Mars

In the case of Bengali Hindus, this ceremony is usually performed eight days after the marriage In this case the married couple goes to the bride's house and stays there for three nights

Among the Bengali Hindus of Sylhet, this program is known as “fiqa jafriya”

Courtesy: Best wedding planner in Lahore.



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