Many brides-to-be who, from the time of the marriage proposal, get it into their heads to lose weight to fit into the dress of their life… What if we thought otherwise? What if we did the opposite and find the dress that will perfectly suit your body, your morphology?! This is the message conveyed by this photoshoot dedicated to plus size brides. And to speak about it as well as possible, I leave the floor to Camille, the organizer of this special bridal plus-size shoot!


This shoot, I have been thinking about it for a long time, and this year, with the health situation, as a wedding planner and officiant, more than 60% of my weddings have been postponed to the 2021 season, enough to find time to finally realize all projects put aside for a while! This is where it all started for the implementation of this project!


I did, a few years ago, more than a size 50, my story is that I lost more than 60 kilos, and today, I regained weight and how good I feel as I am! But I also, know what it feels like when a friend suggests going shopping, and above all, I know the questions that we can ask ourselves the day we start talking (or in my case to enter) in the world of marriage.

We imagine the dress, well rather THE DRESS! And there, we quickly realize that few saleswomen are able to advise in all kindness and professionalism on sizes that go beyond a basic 44.

We present to you the partners of the blog, the rest of your article just below:

And then, I admit that I'm also fed up with reading testimonials from future brides who see themselves to the point of refusing to try on wedding dresses on the pretext that they will not "fit in", that they will “ruin the dress” or any other excuse. As a wedding planner, I experienced this situation with one of my brides and I might as well tell you that I no longer put a foot in this shop (well in truth it has since closed but still!). It is unfair!

So that's why I had the idea for this plus size wedding dress shoot, that's why it's important and why it speaks to me. Because after all, the "summer body" as it is called, it is your body, no matter the height, the weight, the measurements, or any other criterion which you make in each season!


I must say that everything was simple and crystal clear.

The three models chosen to wear the wedding dresses are two friends and a colleague and all three are photographers, which immediately solved the problem of who would take the photos. So Axelle M Photographer, Stephanie Wey from Atelier Image, and Emily C Photography joined in the game of being models and photographers!

As for a plus size wedding dress, Aude Violette was obvious. A wedding dress designer, she uses materials as pleasant as they are comfortable and above all stretchy in which you feel good, from a 36 to a 56!

For the beauty part, it was a faithful sidekick, makeup artist and hairdresser specializing in marriage, who highlighted these three beautiful women. For hair accessories as well as bouquets, I bet on dried flowers and it is who provided us with crowns, bouquets, clips, and accessories of all kinds!

This place is full of places as beautiful as each other! In short, with the network, it was rather simple and above all, we had a great day all together at the same time as the realization of this shoot!

To conclude, I must say that I am happy and proud to have created and carried this project, happy to be able to show women, to all women, that they are and will be beautiful in their bridal outfit!


Courtesy: best wedding event hall


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