Interesting Wedding World Traditions

Would you like to take a break from your wedding preparations and learn what the bride and groom-to-be in the world are going through? Be sure there are some very interesting wedding customs. If you're curious, let's get started:

Interesting Marriage Traditions Around the World

Influenced by the geography, culture, religious beliefs and political structure, wedding customs differ greatly around the world. You won't even believe your eyes when you read some interesting customs. Do you think those who swear at the checker, who dirty the bride and walk around in the middle of the street? In fact, no matter where in the world, it is interesting that behind all these traditions lies the wish for marriages to be established on solid foundations. Let's take a look at these interesting marriage traditions in other countries.

India Wedding Traditions

Influenced by the caste and colonial system and religious traditions in the past, wedding customs vary in India. Weddings in India consist of 3 parts. The first part is wedding preparations and parties held before the wedding. In these parties, which may correspond to the henna night, henna called "mehndi" is burned to the bride and danced to the local songs.

The second part is the wedding day. On the wedding day, the groom is greeted by his mother-in-law. After washing the groom's feet, he is offered honey and milk. Instead of a white wedding dress, the brides wear the "sari" dress prepared by wrapping a richly embroidered fabric around their bodies.


The third part of weddings is the fire dance performed by the bride and groom. Around the sacred fire that was lit at the wedding place, the bride and groom turn four times and run towards their table. According to the belief, whoever sits first at the table has his say in the house.

Chinese Wedding Traditions

Astrology is used in Chinese wedding traditions. The groom's family goes to an astrology expert to get their views on the couple. Prepare an expert horoscope. If the groom's family accepts this horoscope, he sends it to the bride-to-be's family and asks them to do the same.

Some gifts are sent to the bride's family before the wedding, and tea has an important place among these gifts. Since the bride is a symbol of fortune and happiness at the wedding, she wears red clothes, red shoes and a red veil. The bride who leaves home expresses her loyalty to her family by crying.


African Marriage Traditions

Africa is home to very interesting marriage traditions. In some parts of the continent, if the groom-to-be asked the girl from her family and the girl's family accepted the offer, she would give her daughters money and peanuts. The bride-to-be divides the pistachio first with the groom. Later, a piece of peanut is given to those who help the couple reunite. This sharing also means wedding invitation to relatives, neighbors, friend to spouse.

On the wedding day, the bride and groom follow the tradition of jumping off the broomstick. This tradition symbolizes that the married couple sweep away all the evils of the past and leave them behind.


Interesting Russian Wedding Traditions

In Russia, unlike ours, the bride and groom wear their wedding rings on the ring finger of their right hand at the wedding ceremony. If a person wears their wedding ring on their left hand, it indicates that they were once married or that they lost their spouse.

The wedding loaf is an interesting and traditional ritual of the Russians. A woman with a happy marriage and many children kneads the dough of the specially cooked loaf. On the wedding day, the groom and the bride bite the loaf. It is accepted that the person who bites the most will be the head of the family.

At weddings, Russian grooms are also subject to some fun tests. In these tests, the groom is expected to perform in the middle of everyone, such as declaring his love for the bride, dancing or singing.

German Wedding Traditions

The guests coming to the wedding in Germany sprinkle rice symbolizing fertility on the bride and groom. It is believed that the more grains of rice left in the bride's hair, the more children the couple will have. At the end of the ceremony, the bride and groom cut a log together. This means that they will overcome the difficulties they face during their marriage together.

Italian Wedding Traditions

It is believed that getting married on Sundays in Italy will bring double luck. The ritual of bride and groom coming in front of the chapel and tying knots is also interesting. During the wedding ceremony, guests are expected to perform a dance called The Tarantella, a traditional dance of Southern Italy. In this way, it is believed that abundance and abundance will come to the home of the newly married couple. Two girls who were not married before the wedding make the bed that the bride and groom will share.


Wedding Traditions in Bosnia and Herzegovina

In Bosnia and Herzegovina, the groom-to-be who wants a girl of marriageable age is invited to the girl's house for dinner and the elders of the family are discussed about the marriage. After the girl's family elders make a decision about the groom-to-be, coffee is served. Sugary coffee means that the groom-to-be is deemed suitable for marriage, and plain coffee means that the groom-to-be is rejected.

Wedding Traditions in Pakistan

In Pakistan, the bridegroom candidate is put through a tough test by the family elders. This exam is based on the elders of the family to insult and swear at the groom candidate, and the groom-to-be to be cool enough to endure all of these. The young person who passes the exam successfully gets the marriage permission.

Courtesy: best planner in Lahore





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