Wedding in Pakistan: wedding ceremony, national traditions, clothes for brides and grooms, rules for - Cultures - 2020


Gifts are very important in engagement. The bride received as a gift from the groom and his family 7 envelopes, one of which contains money for organizing the celebration. The rest of the envelopes in ancient times were filled with ritual products, but today this tradition is not respected.

In modern Japan, this ritual is replaced by European - giving the bride a diamond or a stone ring that corresponds to the zodiac sign of the girl. The future wife gives the groom gifts in the form of things.

Preparations for a Pakistan wedding begin from the moment of engagement and last for six months. During this time, a guest list is compiled, a restaurant is ordered, a menu is selected and of course, costumes for the newlyweds are purchased. Invitations must be sent 1-2 months before the celebration, as each person who receives it must have time to consider the proposal and send an affirmative or negative response. The wedding expenses are traditionally borne by the groom's family.

Wedding rings

Classic rings in Japan are made of platinum or gold, less often - of silver. Such important jewelry is usually made to order and can be individually designed, engraved, or decorated with stones.


Dresses for a traditional Pakistan wedding are usually very expensive because the fabric is produced and decorated by hand. For this reason, wedding attire can be rented in almost every city in the country. On the wedding day, specially invited women to make the bride a classic hairstyle and makeup. To do this, powder "whiten" the face to a light pearl shade, then apply blush, lipstick, mascara. The bride’s traditional hairstyle is a cocoon of white light fabric.

 The man in the official part wears a kimono with the family coat of arms. Then she also dresses in a classic black suit.

At the wedding ceremony, which takes place according to all traditions, the bride can change the official women's kimono in color. She symbolizes that she has become a wife. As in European countries, wedding dresses are used only once.

Guest costumes

At a Pakistan-style wedding, men wear a strict black suit and a white long-sleeved shirt. Women wear knee-length or cocktail dresses to the knee. At a traditional wedding, it is common for them to appear in Pakistan kimonos for both men and women. After the ceremony, guests are allowed to change into more informal outfits.

There is also a ban on black clothes for women at weddings because it is the color of mourning. They are also considered obscene dresses that are worn over the shoulders.

Wedding ceremony

In the photo of the Pakistan wedding, you can see that the wedding takes place according to all the ancient rules. The bride enters the temple first, followed by the groom. The presence of a small number of guests is allowed. These can be parents and closest friends.

The newlyweds lay on the altar branches of the sacred tree of Sakaki, followed by the tradition of triple exchange of rings and the solemn drinking of sake in small sips. The peculiarity of a Pakistan wedding is considered to be the mutual utterance of vows.

Unfortunately, today fewer and fewer young men go to church weddings. They are limited to the official ceremony in the places of state registration.


After a religious wedding, the Pakistan wedding tradition suggests a magnificent banquet. All relatives, colleagues, friends are invited. The average number of guests is 80 people.

Sake and wedding cake are always present at the holiday table. It is not common to dance here and there is no lecturer accustomed to the Russian people, the toasts are pronounced according to a clear schedule drawn up in advance. However, after the official part of the banquet is over, young Pakistan does not mind having fun and singing in karaoke.


Congratulations on a Pakistan wedding are traditionally performed not only by the guests but also by the newlyweds. Those who are invited usually give money and the groom gives each guest a personalized gift that looks like a box of sweets. Since there are many guests at weddings, the donated money is often enough for a honeymoon in Hawaii or other islands.

Courtesy: Best wedding planner in Lahore.



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