Planning to Get Married? These 8 Things You Must Learn

Deciding to get married is not easy, and should not be done without preparation. Recently, the Pakistan government is even planning to hold a certification or study program for couples who want to get married. This is said to aim to equip the two prospective brides about reproductive health, childcare, and family finances. Certification is also expected to reduce the rate of divorce, stunting, aka toddlers failing to grow due to malnutrition and poverty.

This certification plan is still reaping the pros and cons. However, basically, couples who are getting married should be equipped with thorough knowledge and preparation. Because, household is never as easy as imagined. There are a number of materials that a married couple must study, such as emotional management, conflict resolution, family planning, parenting, and financial planning, mental health, and how to communicate. To be clearer, consider the discussion about the material that the bride and groom need to learn in the following article! 

Important Material to Learn before Marriage

There are several things that need to be understood first before deciding to get married. This is important as a provision, considering that marriage is a long-term choice that will continue to be lived. According to the psychologist from KALM, Wenny Adina, M.Psi, there are several materials that should be studied. Among them: 

·         Knowing the Meaning of Marriage 

It is very important for the bride and groom to know each other, including knowing the meaning of marriage for each individual. You and your partner are advised to talk about the things that you want to achieve in marriage, as well as the picture of marriage that each partner has. This is an important way to get to know your partner better and to discuss and equalize perceptions about marriage. 

·         The Importance of Commitment 

Couples who are getting married must know the importance of commitment. Getting married is something that will be lived for a lifetime, both. This must be known in advance to the prospective bride and groom in order to help prepare for marriage and prepare to accept a partner and live the relationship as well as possible. 

·         Communication with a Partner 

Communication is key in relationships, including marriage. It is very important for the bride and groom to know and equip themselves with good communication patterns after marriage. The reason is, there are many disputes and misunderstandings in a marriage that occur because of ineffective communication. Therefore, understanding how each other communicates something and understanding the different ways of conveying messages between individuals is important to learn.

·         How to Solve Problems 

Problems will definitely be present in the middle of domestic life. One of the important lessons before marriage is how to solve problems. Having a long relationship does not guarantee that you and your partner have the same view of a problem.  

·         Financial Knowledge 

Bride-to-be must also learn how to manage good finances in the household. An important lesson before marriage is the couple's income, the costs to be borne by the couple before marriage, the costs to be spent after marriage, and ways to manage finances during married life. 

·         Adjust oneself 

Getting married does not only involve you and your partner but also the extended family of both parties. Before getting married, it is important to know how to adjust to the habits of the couple, the condition of their family, as well, as to adjust to the challenges that will be faced during married life. 

·         Maintaining Love 

It is very important to maintain love to keep the relationship warm. One of the important things that must be learned by a prospective couple is knowing what things can be done to maintain the momentum of love so that household harmony can be maintained.

·         Family Planning 

You and your partner should know and learn family planning tips. This relates to pregnancy planning, at what age you are planning to get pregnant, how many children you want to have, and how many years the distance between children. Family planning is important because it will affect various aspects of the family, from fulfilling children's nutrition, maternal mental health, to the financial ability of the head of the family.

Also, talk about health problems between you and your partner. If you need doctor advice regarding what health checks before marriage, just use the Halodoc application. You can easily contact the doctor via Video / Voice Call and Chat

Courtesy: Best wedding planner in Lahore



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