Numerical forms of marriage.

 In almost all societies the rites of marriage are performed with some specific methods. It declares to be husband and wife, calling relatives to the ceremony of ceremony and witnessing this new couple relationship, legal recognition and social assent to her by religious statutes. The main purpose of matrimonial methods is to advertise the new relationship, make it happy and protect it from the evils of evil. There is an astonishing diversity in marriage rituals. But they can be divided into four major classes. First in the category of bride and groom

signifies the position of the girl's father to be in control of her husband. In England, Palestine, Java, China, taking the bride to the entrance of the new house is important to make the change of the house by the bride. In Scotland, the old shoe is thrown behind the bride to inform that the father no longer has any authority over her. The second class of methods aims to remove side effects. In Europe and Africa, arrows are fired and guns are released to kill the demons at the time of marriage. The abodes of evil spirits are dark places and are mutilated by the use of fire in marriage. At the time of marriage, the groom holds the sword etc. In Pakistan, this is also believed to be the reason for the method of carrying a horseshoe, which is considered capable of driving away demons. The third category consists of methods that signify fertility and indicate the desire for child-rearing. In India, China, Malaya, methods of pouring rice, grains and fruits are prevalent on the bride. Just as one grain of food produces new donations, similarly the bride is expected to produce a large number of children. In Slavic countries a boy is seated in the lap of a bride for this purpose. The methods of the fourth class indicate the unity and integrality of the bride and groom. In the southern celebs, the clothes of the bride are seated and a cloth is put on them. The method of bibliography practiced in India and Iran has the same purpose. The methods of cereals and fruits are popular. Just as one grain of food produces new donations, similarly the bride is expected to produce a large number of children. In Slavic countries a boy is seated in the lap of a bride for this purpose. The methods of the fourth class indicate the unity and integrality of the bride and groom. In the southern celebs, the clothes of the bride are seated and a cloth is put on them. The method of bibliography practiced in India and Iran has the same purpose. The methods of cereals and fruits are popular. Just as a single grain of grain produces many new donations, similarly the bride is expected to produce a large number of children. In Slavic countries, a boy is seated in the lap of a bride for this purpose. The methods of the fourth class indicate the unity and integrality of the bride and groom. In the southern celebs, the clothes of the bride are seated and a cloth is put on them. The method of bibliography practiced in India and Iran has the same purpose.

Marriage period and divorce.

In this subject, large variety is visible in different parts of human society. According to Wester mark, living in a low level of civilization, living with shelter and early agriculture, marriages in the Beda and Andaman tribal castes of Sri Lanka after marriage are gathered till death and do not get divorced. In societies in which marriage is considered a religious rite, marriage is often considered an inalienable relationship. Muslim and Christian societies are beautiful examples of this. But there is a commonality among some fundamental principles, even though there is a lot of difference in terms of rules of divorce or divorce. Marriage is mainly done for procreation and marriage, but if they are not received in a marriage, then marriage should be allowed instead of making the marriage life hellish or unsuccessful. Do not misuse this system, from this point of view, the right to divorce is given at a special stage with many restrictions. Adultery is the mainstay of divorce as it is insulting at the core of the marital life. Apart from this, there is some other reason also.

Marriage results.

There are so many wedding losses that a book can be published on them. Let us see in the following few points on how marrying is harmful to you. In these points, a few eyes have been completely blinded towards the few benefits that are counted on the wedding fingers.

First of all, you are no longer your property. Your registry is also named after another. With this, your market price decreased, which was highest when you were single. The decrease in the buyer of the property will be called the fall of the market price.

congratulation! Now you have a partner who can always annoy you, but you cannot always be annoyed. If you have been asking yourself that you have lots of patience, now watch that patience fly away.

After marriage, the scope of your friendship is most affected. Friends are the great means of laughter. Now when you meet those friends, it is common to hear this sentence, "Where are you nowadays, have you forgotten?" Or small proves this sentence "big people"

Married and an obese body is with Damon. You marry it will come in dowry. Post marriage and your obesity both increase simultaneously. Now you are spreading and body confidence is shrinking. In time, you will start to see the meaning in the first line of this song.


Courtesy: Best wedding planner in Lahore.



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