Why do you need a wedding garter, application features

 Each nation has its own traditions of celebrating weddings, and very often these traditions are borrowed from each other. Throwing the bride's wedding garter is one of those traditions. This tradition may seem at first glance rather vulgar and not at all fun, but it is firmly included in the ritual customs of youth weddings. For those who would like to amuse guests with this wedding ritual, see our article. During the Middle Ages, garters were used to support pantaloons, and only after a while it became one of the important accessories not only for women, but also for men. The women's garter differed from the men's in the abundance of lace, embroidery and jewelry.

 What is a wedding garter? The word garter comes from "jarred", which means "hollow". Earlier, garters were worn to support the stockings. Now, when it comes to a wedding garter - this is a wide or narrow elastic band or a string that the bride wears just above the knee of her right leg - this is the first garter, which is usually called "happy" - it is this that is thrown to the groom's single friends at the wedding celebration ... But, as a rule, the bride wears two garters - the second is slightly higher than the first - she is removed by her husband on the first wedding night and is called “honey”.

 The husband keeps the second garter for himself and keeps it, as a lucky talisman. Where did this tradition of throwing wedding garters come from? In ancient times, some peoples believed that a piece of clothing or flowers brought to the house brings happiness to the house, so each of the guests tried to tear something off the wedding dress of the bride or groom. And in order not to be left without a wedding dress, someone very witty came up with throwing a wedding garter. It would seem that the problem has been solved. But then it turned out that the problem was solved, but not completely. Under the influence of wine vapors, most of the men of the guests tried to rip this cherished garter from the beautiful bride. It was then that the tradition arose that the husband, and not someone else, removes the wedding garter from the bride. When are wedding garters removed? The second or "honey" garter is removed by the groom from the bride during the first wedding night, when they are left alone. And the first or "lucky" garter is removed during the wedding. As a rule, the wedding garter is removed when the cake has already been cut and the newlyweds are about to leave. In the West, this ritual has exactly the same meaning as the first dance of the newlyweds. For the ritual of removing the wedding garter, even a special musical accompaniment is selected. If you follow Western traditions, then the wedding garter is thrown first, and only after that the bridal bouquet. How to remove a wedding garter beautifully, and not embarrass the guests? The bride sits in a chair, and the single guests stand around. The groom lifts the bride's skirt slightly and finds the coveted accessory. If you cannot find it under the numerous petticoats of your chosen one - just ask her to help you - this way you will avoid awkward waiting. Once the desired accessory is found, gently spread it out, relaxing the tension, and slowly remove it with your hands or teeth, whichever you like best. If you choose to remove the wedding garter with your teeth, and not with your hands, then it is better for the bride to stand up and put her leg on the chair - this will be more convenient. True, it is worth noting that although this method looks more spectacular and more beautiful, it should be abandoned if you do not want to shock the elderly relatives invited to the wedding.In addition, this method is unacceptable after a wedding in a church. If your chosen one is very modest, then she can take off the garter on her own - then give it to you, and after you get this accessory, immediately throw it to your single friends! Anyone who has caught this exquisite detail of the bride's attire is promised a quick and happy marriage

courtesy: best wedding planner in Lahore


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